Der Zahlungsverkehr in einer digitalen Welt: ein Spagat zwischen den immensen potenziellen Vorteilen und den neu entstehenden Risiken
Vor dem Hintergrund sich rasch entwickelnder Landschaften der digitalen Welt bildet der Zahlungsverkehr ein entscheidendes Element im Rückgrat unserer modernen Wirtschaft. Obwohl sich Banken und Kartennetze angesichts der digitalen Konkurrenz als bemerkenswert widerstandsfähig erwiesen haben, verändert sich die Welt. Heute sind Sofortzahlungen über Telefon, Apps, QR-Codes, schnelle Zahlungsnetzwerke und Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternetverbindungen für viele zum Gateway geworden.
Organisationen stehen vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen, wenn sie das Potenzial des Zahlungsverkehrs nutzen wollen: Dazu gehören robuste Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz vor Datenlecks und Betrug, die Navigation durch komplexe rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, die von Land zu Land unterschiedlich sind, die Bewältigung von Interoperabilitätsproblemen zwischen verschiedenen Zahlungsplattformen und -systemen sowie die kontinuierliche Anpassung an sich schnell entwickelnde Technologien und Kundenpräferenzen, um auf dem Markt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Bei INNOPAY verstehen wir die Komplexität und die Herausforderungen, denen sich Unternehmen in dieser sich schnell weiterentwickelnden Zahlungslandschaft stellen müssen. Zahlungsverkehr ist fest in der DNA von INNOPAY verankert. Dank unserer tiefgreifenden Branchenkenntnis und unserem innovativen Ansatz unterstützen wir Sie mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse.

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The European Women Payments Network (EWPN) has appointed Linda Geux, Director at...
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Deferred payment options have existed for decades, but the modern buy now pay la...
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As of 9 February, 2025, the Trump administration has introduced significant uncertainty surrounding the future of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This uncertainty is marked by the closure of CFPB offices and a suspension of funding, reflecting a continued hostility towards the bureau that was evident during the first Trum...
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In recent years, the conversation surrounding digital assets* has evolved significantly. At INNOPAY, we have been engaging with this space with an open mind, seeking to understand the potential applications of this ecosystem on a case-by-case basis. From the philosophical discussions about Bitcoin as a store of value, to practical ap...
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As we have stepped into another promising year, we are proud to announce the rel...
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In the rapidly evolving financial landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face diverse challenges in managing liquidity effectively. Corporate credit cards are increasingly recognised by bigger companies as a valuable financial tool, but many SMEs are still not fully aware of their comprehensive and valuable capabilities in t...
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Linda Geux has been with INNOPAY in the role of director since the start of 2024...
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As we embark on 2025, it’s an opportune time to reflect on the transformative events of 2024 and look ahead to this new year. The past year marked the advent of a new era for digital assets, with institutional adoption reaching unprecedented levels, driven largely by the launch of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) one year ago. This fo...
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INNOPAY is proud to announce that we have received a diamond and platinum rankin...
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For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), cash flow is the lifeblood of operations. However, liquidity challenges remain a persistent issue, affecting growth, stability and even survival. Studies show that over 60% of SMEs struggle with cash flow gaps, largely due to delayed payments, seasonal demand fluctuations or unexpected expens...
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The introduction of e-invoicing mandates in the EU is driving substantial changes in the B2B ecosystem, particularly for SMEs. As e-invoicing becomes the standard, SMEs will increasingly adopt software to manage various business processes, including contracting, invoicing and payment. This is enhancing the availability and accessibility o...
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In an article written by INNOPAY and recently published in Journal Payments Strategy and Systems (JPSS), the opportunities arising from FiDA, eIDAS2 and Data Acts are analysed, providing strategic considerations and key next steps for banks navigating the data economy. Here, we highlight six key points from the article to help banks ...
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The Instant Payments Regulation (IPR), which entered into force on 8 April 2024, will have consequences for all payment service providers offering SEPA payments, both inside and outside of the Eurozone. In this blog, INNOPAY’s Linda Geux, Martine Nau and Tim Gillieron highlight six key areas affected by the IPR. The authors explore the br...
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June 2024 marks a watershed change in crypto regulation, with the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) going into effect across the European Union (EU). MiCAR is the first framework of its kind to regulate crypto assets, related activities, and services.MiCAR aims to establish more certainty within the often-volatile crypto market ...
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Last year marked the beginning of a revolutionary phase in the wake of transform...
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The Dutch OVpay programme won the Best Smart Ticketing award (200k+ Daily Journe...
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Oliver Wyman, a global leader in management consulting, and a business of Marsh ...
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Oliver Wyman, a global management consulting firm and a business of Marsh McLenn...
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Oliver Wyman and INNOPAY are an excellent fit“This strategic move is not just ab...
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A wide variety of digital wallets have been introduced in recent years. They have varying degrees of functionality, ranging from making in-store payments and earning loyalty points, to entering restricted areas, logging in to online services (eID) and signing. Besides the existing digital wallets (e.g. Apple, Google), the European Co...
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As part of INNOPAY’s continued focus on monitoring the Embedded Finance (EmFi) l...
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TechQuartier, platz der Einheit 2, Frankfurt
Get ready for an exclusive journey into the world of transaction data at the upc...
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At the start of each year, we look ahead based on the three key interconnected c...
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The latest edition of the INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor report is now available, containing a round-up of Open Banking API offerings and developer experience features available from financial institutions across the globe plus a selection of articles summarising the major trends over the past year. Benefit from these insights into the key ...
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Open Finance is growing rapidly as financial institutions continuously launch new APIs and improved developer portals to extend third-party access to financial products, services and customer data. However, there is more to Open Finance than that. INNOPAY has developed a comprehensive model covering seven key dime...
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INNOPAY research indicates that almost half of the world’s top 150 banks are now investigating services based on decentralised finance (DeFi). This reflects rising interest in exploring possible benefits of integrating DeFi innovations within traditional banking frameworks. The evolution is collectively propelled by factors such as improv...
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INNOPAY’s expertise has once again been recognised in’s annual be...
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Unlocking value precisely at the point of need. That is exactly what embedded finance (EmFi) is about. EmFi transforms decoupled customer journeys into seamlessly integrated experiences within non-financial, digital platforms that matter in the daily lives of consumers and businesses alike. EmFi covers a broad range of financial products ...
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Onboarding new customers has kept financial institutions busy over the last few decades. Identification and authentication efforts have risen substantially due to the emerging dominance of online channels and the associated risks of fraud. A widely adopted EU Digital Identity Wallet could increase the efficiency of identification and auth...
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PayPal recently launched its PYUSD stablecoin, generating a lot of excitement am...
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Marktführer bauen ihren Wettbewerbsvorteil weiter aus Digitale Mehrwertangebote im Bereich von Finanzdienstleistungen haben einen starken Aufschwung erlebt, der durch viele Faktoren beschleunigt wurde. Dazu gehören unter anderem regulatorischer Druck (zum Beispiel die PSD2), Veränderungen des Kundenverhaltens, die zum Teil auf COVID-...
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The EU’s AML/CFT framework presents the banking industry with a dilemma: how can banks fulfil their KYC obligations, while also protecting the confidentiality of client data? According to INNOPAY’s Vince Jansen, three emerging types of ‘trust tech’ could provide the answer for transaction monitoring. “Artificial intelligence offers the po...
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INNOPAY is pleased to announce its participation in The Paypers' highly anticipa...
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We are thrilled to announce a fruitful collaboration between INNOPAY and th...
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‘Alles Transaktion’ – Ein großer Erfolg in der Open Finance-Literatur, jetzt kostenlos herunterladen
INNOPAY feiert stolz den großen Erfolg seiner preisgekrönten Veröffentlichung ‘A...
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One of the main challenges facing crypto is the lack of a clear regulatory framework, as echoed by respondents in our INNOPAY/The Paypers Crypto Monitor. Recent events like the FTX collapse and Signature Bank shutdown have further highlighted the need to fill the regulatory void in the crypto market. Europe is leading the way in reso...
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The latest episode of 'The E-Invoicing Podcast' by e-invoicing service provider ...
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Open Insurance ist der wichtigste Treiber skalierbarer Möglichkeiten bei eingebetteten Versicherungen. Seit Einführung des Open Insurance Monitors im Jahr 2021 haben wir jedoch kaum Anzeichen dafür gefunden, dass Open Insurance bei den Akteuren der Branche ganz oben auf der Agenda steht. Die Landschaft entwickelt sich weiterhin langsam un...
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The legislative proposal on Instant Payments (SCT Inst) by the European Commission (EC) is set to have considerable impact on Payment Services Providers (PSPs), as outlined in our previous blog. One effect of this legislative proposal will be to make the IBAN/Name check mandatory in order to reduce fraud in instant payments. Under the pro...
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Following on from our recent publications on the legislative proposal mandating the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme and the high-level, high-impact areas for payment service providers (PSPs), this blog dives deeper to deal with the following question:Which elements of implementing SCT Inst can be outsourced, and how ca...
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Since the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme became effective in November 2017, it has seen great success in some countries. For example, major PSPs in the Netherlands collectively introduced instant payments in 2019 and they have positioned it as ‘the new normal’. This means that all consumer-to-business (C2B) and peer-to-pee...
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In our previous blog, we introduced the recent legislative proposal by the European Commission (EC) on mandating instant payments for all payment service providers (PSPs) across the SEPA area, and outlined its implications for PSPs.In this blog, we aim to provide key insights into the impact of implementing SEPA instant payments (SCT Inst...
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The Paypers has announced the upcoming release of its ‘Enablers of Embedded Fina...
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A whole year has passed since our previous update of the INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor, which means it is high time to take a new look at where the industry stands. This year’s update will cover the status quo of Open Banking globally, highlighting what steps banks have taken, which general trends can be identified, and whether these have ...
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In der Anfang März veröffentlichten Episode des Payment & Banking Podcasts, ...
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The European Commission (EC) published its study on the impact of the Payments Service Directive 2 (PSD2) on 2 February 2023. This is the most recent development in the EC’s mandatory review process aimed at reflecting on the achievements, shortcomings and impact since PSD2 entered into force in 2016. Various organisations were asked...
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Crypto assets and their infrastructure are set to transform the payments industry. In a video with media platform The Paypers, INNOPAY’s Douwe Lycklama says that the change brought about by crypto will primarily happen behind the scenes. “It will be much like the transformation of the telecom industry, from analogue to digital through VOI...
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Last week’s seminar called ‘Digital euro meets the Dutch experts’, organise...
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There are a growing number of request-to-pay (RTP) use cases, beyond the popular P2P transactions. This article looks at the differences between the two most prominent models: SEPA RTP (SRTP) and Open RTP (ORTP). With the future for RTP propositions being somewhat unclear now that both models are co-existing, we examine three possible hig...
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Yes! Our much-anticipated annual review of what was yet another productive year ...
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INNOPAY hat heute bei der Transactions (TRX) 22 die deutsche Ausgabe d...
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INNOPAY hat Mounaim Cortet zum neuen Country Manager für die DACH-Region ernannt. Seit dem 1. Mai 2022 ist er für das operative Geschäft und die weitere Marktentwicklung in dieser Region verantwortlich.
Mounaim ist seit 2012 bei INNOPAY tätig, unter anderem als Strategy Director und Global Lead für Strategie- und Open-Finance-Beratungsle...
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3 reasons why banks need to understand the impact of the EU Digital Identity Wallet The 2022 edition of Euroforum’s annual conference on the future of payments was held in Amsterdam on 31 March. INNOPAY’s Vincent Jansen was one of the keynote speakers at the event. In his presentation called The ‘battle of the wallets’ reignited, he outli...
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The 2022 edition of Euroforum’s annual conference on the future of payments was ...
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The Winter Olympics in Beijing were not just a showcase for the world’s best athletes. The event was also an international testing ground for China’s new digital currency – the digital yuan (or e-CNY) – and reinvigorated the interest in its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) plans. Rather than focusing on the functional payment aspects ...
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Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For 20 years, the annual conference Future of Payments has been the meeting...
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Over the last five years, most payment innovations have focused on improving cus...
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Sechs Kriterien für die Auswahl eines API-Konnektivitätsanbieters zur Umsetzung neuer PSD2-Use-Cases
Bei der Umsetzung von auf der Zweiten Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie (PSD2) basierenden Use Cases ist es entscheidend, den richtigen Partner für den API-basierenden Kontozugriff zu finden. Die technologischen Fähigkeiten dieses Partners sind wesentlich, um erfolgreiche PSD2-konforme Lösungen zu bauen. Zudem profitieren Sie mit dem richti...
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Es ist an der Zeit, dass Banken ihre Sichtweise auf Open Banking überdenken. In ...
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Seit Mai letzten Jahres ist bekannt, dass die deutschen Banken und Sparkassen unter dem Titel #DK an einer Zusammenführung der nationalen Paymentverfahren giropay, Paydirekt, Girocard und kwitt unter einer Marke und UX arbeiten. Nun haben sich 16 bedeutende Banken der Eurozone in der European Payments Initiative (EPI) zusammengeschlossen,...
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Open Banking wird digitale Erfahrungen transformieren, um Kunden einen Mehrwert zu bieten und ihm Kontrolle über seine Daten zu geben.
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INNOPAY unterstützt FinTechs bei der Vorbereitung eines Lizenzantrages sowie beim Erwerb und Erhalt der Lizenz auf effiziente Art und Weise.
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Open Banking is set to transform digital experiences through compelling value pr...
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Our client asked us for support in defining PSD2 and Open Banking growth opportu...
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Our client asked for our support in creating an elaborate Open Banking vision, r...
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Our client requested us to support them in identifying implementation needs and ...
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We helped a group of leading Dutch banks to develop a national online banking e-...
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The payment ecosystem and infrastructure continue to transform through increasin...
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Erhöhung des Kundennutzens durch Open Banking, indem der Zugang zu Bankressourcen über Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) bereitgestellt und im Ökosystem optimal eingesetzt wird. Wir unterstützen Banken bei der Transformation von PSD2 und Open Banking. Finden Sie heraus, wie.
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Regulatorische Treiber wie GDPR und PSD2 in Europa und CDR in Australien ermöglichen dem Kunden mehr Eigenverantwortung und Kontrolle über seine persönlichen Daten. Dadurch wird der Kunde zunehmend in die Lage versetzt, einem Dienstleister seiner Wahl leichteren Zugang zu seinen Daten auf der Basis seiner Einwilligung zu gewähren. Dieser ...
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Die PSD2 hat neue Möglichkeiten für Innovationen innerhalb des europäischen Payment-Marktes geschaffen, die über den Finanzsektor hinausgehen. Ein breites Spektrum von Akteuren, mit oder ohne Payment-Hintergrund, kann die Möglichkeiten dieser Gesetzgebung nutzen. Diese Akteure stehen dabei vor zwei wichtigen Entscheidungen. Erstens müssen...
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In Malaysia, where cash is still the preferred payment method for both consumers...
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PSD2 has created new possibilities for innovation within the European payments m...
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PSD2 is the revised European directive for payment services, with the supporting...
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The role of the corporate treasurer will change significantly with the transition towards an open, digital and data driven economy. Partially motivated by regulatory push (eg PSD2, GDPR), organisations are increasingly adopting new business models in which data is shared 24/7 to better respond to instant customer demand. This requires tre...
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Die überarbeitete Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie der Europäischen Union (EU) (PSD2) wurde im Januar 2016 als Aktualisierung der PSD 1 (2007 verabschiedet) verabschiedet und führt zwei neue Lizensierungstypen ein: Zahlungsauslösedienste und Kontoinformationsdienste. Neue Akteure in der Finanzbranche und etablierte Unternehmen (z. B. Banken, E-G...
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Looking back on a much eventful year in Open Banking; various banks have updated their Developer Portal in the last quarter of 2018, either by expanding the Functional Scope, by offering more APIs, or by introducing tools and features improving the Developer Experience. Predominantly with the shared goal of attracting more end-customers, ...
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Towards the first pan-European Open Banking based scheme
Imagine you’re taking an Uber at the airport, get to your destination and while you’re getting out of the Prius … ping… you receive a push notification from your bank that says € 32,78 was debited from your payment account. The full Uber experience, but no cards or wallets needed.&...
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This article was first published by the Paypers in the Open Banking Report 2018.
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This article was published in collaboration with Deutsche Bank.
Market disruption, client evolution and regulatory change mean that the banking and corporate world is preparing for an API and Open Banking revolution. Making a success of it will require both collaboration and standardisation.
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As Instant Payments is expected to become the new normal in payments in many countries, it is imperative for financial service providers to offer Instant Payments capabilities to remain relevant in the future. The significant investments required to update current payment infrastructures motivates financial service providers to look for r...
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We all know by now that “XS2A” - access to payment accounts by third party providers (TPPs) - is going to happen in some shape or form under PSD2, but there is still considerable uncertainty. The transposition of PSD2 into national law is being delayed in twenty member states[1] and while the Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Custo...
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For many years, PSPs have had relatively easy pickings, charging significant markups to online merchants for handling their payment traffic. A large variety of players entered the market. In Germany, ±60 PSPs are active, and in the Netherlands 120 players either hold a license or are specifically exempted from license duty to act as PSP.
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INNOPAY values clients as much as anyone else. Hence, we fully understand the urgency that is felt throughout the sector to become more customer centric. However, most existing operating models are so much intertwined with the DNA of corporate banks that it has proven to be almost impossible to fundamentally renew. Today’s conventional ap...
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The European Banking Authority’s (EBA) has published its long-anticipated draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on ‘strong customer authentication and secure communication’ on 12 August. The RTS are considered key to achieve the PSD2 objectives of enhancing consumer protection, promoting innovation through competition and improving t...
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Following the adoption of the revised Payments Services Directive (PSD2) by the Council on 16 November 2015, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its long anticipated Discussion Paper on ‘strong customer authentication [1] and secure communication’ on 8 December.
The Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer a...
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