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The rising importance of digital identity, consent management and data sharing has created a ‘Blue Ocean’ market for banks. I believe that they now have a unique opportunity to strengthen and truly safeguard their relevance in the data economy. But they need to start taking decisive action right now in order to demonstrate that they can p...
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Sixteen major Eurozone banks have come together in the European Payments Initiative (EPI) to launch a new payment system aimed at taking on rival card schemes and the threat posed by Chinese and US big-tech firms. Although previous pan-European collaboration projects (e.g. Monnet, Eaps, Payfair) have not been perceived as a great success,...
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The EU’s fifth Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) urged the adjustment of the implementation rules of the Wwft (the Dutch Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act)[1]. In this context, the Wwft has been amended accordingly. The new legislation has come into effect in the Netherlands on 21 May this year.As highlighte...
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Open Banking has seen considerable activity in the last few months. Indeed, with the EU’s compliance deadline for PSD2 looming, Open Banking developer portals have emerged in great numbers, with 300-plus banks now in our monitor. In the recent release of the INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor (OBM), updated in August 2019, we described the cur...
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Sufficiently strong quantum computers will seriously disrupt the confidentiality and integrity of secure digital communication everywhere. They will effectively break most of the current methods to securely exchange data, and quantum-resistant alternatives are not yet mature. Even though the development of such quantum computers may take ...
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