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Publication |
The latest edition of the INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor report is now available, containing a round-up of Open Banking API offerings and developer experience features available from financial institutions across the globe plus a selection of articles summarising the major trends over the past year. Benefit from these insights into the key ...
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Publication |
Unlocking value precisely at the point of need. That is exactly what embedded finance (EmFi) is about. EmFi transforms decoupled customer journeys into seamlessly integrated experiences within non-financial, digital platforms that matter in the daily lives of consumers and businesses alike. EmFi covers a broad range of financial products ...
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Publication |
The European Commission (EC) published its study on the impact of the Payments Service Directive 2 (PSD2) on 2 February 2023. This is the most recent development in the EC’s mandatory review process aimed at reflecting on the achievements, shortcomings and impact since PSD2 entered into force in 2016. Various organisations were asked...
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Publication |
Over the past three decades, the European Union has steadily improved its framework to fight money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT). The EU’s action has focused on the prevention, investigation and prosecution of these harmful practices. In July 2021 the European Commission (EC) presented a package of legislative proposals th...
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