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The role of the corporate treasurer will change significantly with the transition towards an open, digital and data driven economy. Partially motivated by regulatory push (eg PSD2, GDPR), organisations are increasingly adopting new business models in which data is shared 24/7 to better respond to instant customer demand. This requires tre...
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The European Union (EU) revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was adopted January 2016 as an update of PSD 1 (adopted in 2007) and introduces two types of new services under its licensing scope: payment initiation services and account information services. New players in the financial industry and incumbents (e.g. banks, electronic mo...
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Looking back on a much eventful year in Open Banking; various banks have updated their Developer Portal in the last quarter of 2018, either by expanding the Functional Scope, by offering more APIs, or by introducing tools and features improving the Developer Experience. Predominantly with the shared goal of attracting more end-customers, ...
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During the last EBA Day (12 June), the Euro Banking Association published their thought leadership paper “B2B data sharing: digital consent management as a driver of data opportunities”. This paper is a joint effort of INNOPAY and the EBA’s Open Banking Working Group. Below you will find the executive summary of the paper, you c...
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We all know by now that “XS2A” - access to payment accounts by third party providers (TPPs) - is going to happen in some shape or form under PSD2, but there is still considerable uncertainty. The transposition of PSD2 into national law is being delayed in twenty member states[1] and while the Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Custo...
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The European Banking Authority’s (EBA) has published its long-anticipated draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on ‘strong customer authentication and secure communication’ on 12 August. The RTS are considered key to achieve the PSD2 objectives of enhancing consumer protection, promoting innovation through competition and improving t...
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Virtual Bank Accounts are hot. They offer corporates the same advantages as extensive physical bank account structures, while eliminating the costs of opening and managing accounts. And they can help corporates bring back their number of physical bank accounts, at least theoretically, to one, centralised account, thus taking away the need...
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