Maarten Bakker
Maarten Bakker | INNOPAY
Maarten Bakker

INNOPAY participates in podcast on the necessity of cooperation on sharing personal financial data for pension funds

Samenwerken podcast

Many people dislike managing their personal finances because it demands concentration and focus without providing short-term rewards. Fortunately, digital tools such as apps are making life easier and it has become commonplace for financial institutions to support these tools by offering quick online access to financial data.

In fact, new upcoming European directives stipulates that organisations which hold personal financial data must make customers’ data available to them on request. This applies in the pension domain too, so pension funds are now turning their attention to what participants expect from them and how they can ensure that the necessary information is readily accessible.

The Dutch Pension Federation (Pensioenfederatie) recently released a series of podcasts on 'Valuable Digital Services'. In the broadcast on ‘Collaboration’, INNOPAY’s Maarten Bakker talks about the usefulness and necessity of further cooperation on this topic for pension funds.

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