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Sixteen major Eurozone banks have come together in the European Payments Initiative (EPI) to launch a new payment system aimed at taking on rival card schemes and the threat posed by Chinese and US big-tech firms. Although previous pan-European collaboration projects (e.g. Monnet, Eaps, Payfair) have not been perceived as a great success,...
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With the approval of the Dutch Senate, the law for registration of Ultimate Beneficiary Owners (UBOs) came into effect on 23 June 2020. Under the law, a UBO is defined as a person who controls at least a 25% stake in a company and whose registration is a requirement for financial service providers under the anti-money laundering directive...
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Publication |
On 28 May, iBestuur organised an online debate on data – the new fabric of society – to discuss the many facets that still need to be explored and the importance of data sovereignty. INNOPAY’s Mariane ter Veen, director data sharing, took part in the debate. Besides Mariane, the other participants were Indra Henneman, expert and advisor ...
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