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Should security and convenience exclude each other in the customer onboarding process? Josje Fiolet, Digital Onboarding lead at INNOPAY, says “no”. Security and convenience are often seen as diametrically opposed. However, with rapidly evolving technologies coming into play, this should no longer be the case. It’s time to reali...
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For many business leaders, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) continues to be a headache. The EU's upgraded data protection rules come into force in May 2018, and many organisations' primary focus is still on ticking the compliance boxes. But we believe GDPR will be a catalyst which opens up data sharing across the Financial se...
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We all know by now that “XS2A” - access to payment accounts by third party providers (TPPs) - is going to happen in some shape or form under PSD2, but there is still considerable uncertainty. The transposition of PSD2 into national law is being delayed in twenty member states[1] and while the Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Custo...
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Amsterdam | February 13, 2018 - The Dutch division of INNOPAY – a consultancy firm for digital transactions – has successfully worked with organisations in the transport and logistics sector to co-develop the iSHARE scheme. Since the start of this year, this scheme enables everyone in the sector to share data with everyone else  – in...
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For many years, PSPs have had relatively easy pickings, charging significant markups to online merchants for handling their payment traffic. A large variety of players entered the market. In Germany, ±60 PSPs are active, and in the Netherlands 120 players either hold a license or are specifically exempted from license duty to act as PSP. ...
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Cybersecurity is a tough business, and it's getting tougher. Threat levels increase every year. A range of bad guys from state-sponsored hackers to bedroom-based 'script kiddies' have got organizations in their digital sights. And, as the business world continues to undergo a digital transformation, pressure is ramped up on cybersecurity ...
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Technology has enabled innovation, but Financial Institutions (FIs) are not using its potential to improve their corporate client onboarding processes. This is contrary to what we see in the retail market, where the digital transformation is proceeding at full speed. Just two examples include Rabobank which has enabled digital onboarding ...
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Financial service providers are challenged by Bigtechs to build international scale for their innovative products. Cross-border introduction of innovative digital payment and loan products is a difficult game however, as local implementations of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) and other regulatory requirements differ markedly b...
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Banks are investing heavily in technology to stay ahead when it comes to interacting with customers. Opening an account is one of the first interactions a new customer will have with an organisation. And it is a true cliché that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression’. So, you’d better do it right, right? Our Digital C...
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The logistics sector faces challenges which are forcing organizations to cooperate in smarter ways. More effective data sharing can improve efficiency and reduce costs and CO2 emissions. But sharing data can be a headache, often relying on proprietary technology and time-consuming integrations. iSHARE is challenging this status quo. By b...
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In INNOPAY's June 2015 blog, we introduced Virtual Bank Accounts as more than a reconciliation tool. We explained the difference between Virtual IBANs and Virtual Accounts, and showed how both could help SME- and corporate clients increase control over their cash- and transaction management. This blog sheds light on today’s Virtual B...
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