High time for a new data economy: from centralised to decentralised
Despite legislation such as GDPR, people have lost the right to use and control their data, which is leading to growing resistance to data being collected and stored in central silos. At the same time, there is a paradigm shift from the centralised handling of data to a decentralised approach.
Earlier this month, we organised a talk show called 'High time for a new data economy: from centralised to decentralised'. In this special edition that took place with live audience philosopher Ad Verbrugge talked to Mladen Sancanin (director of innovation, data services and research at PGGM), Robert Reinder Nederhoed (blockchain entrepreneur) and Douwe Lycklama (founder of INNOPAY).
This talkshow about a new data economy is part of a series organised by De Nieuwe Wereld and INNOPAY on the topic of digital sustainability.