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This article was first published in the legal journal Payments & FinTech Lawyer (04/04/18) Fostering an innovative environment: a pragmatic guide to embracing innovative CDD technologies while effectively managing the associated risks Financial institutions are investing heavily in technology to improve one of their initial interact...
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The Insurance sector evolves at a more leisurely pace than many industries, but according to Maarten Bakker, our INNOPAY Sector Lead Insurance, organisations which are slow to develop open strategies will soon find themselves marginalised.
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Every single day, more than a billion active users share their thoughts, photos, news, videos, memes, and more with friends and connections on Facebook. With data from current accounts, bankers know what their customers eat, where they buy their clothes and what they get up to online. In today and tomorrow’s world (personal) data is becom...
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For the fifth year in a row, INNOPAY has contributed to the ShoppingTomorrow research program. Together with CM we hosted the expert group 'Digital Identity'. In this collaborative project a group of experts did research on how to implement a fully digital onboarding process for both B2B and B2C customer. This blog provides the main insig...
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Should security and convenience exclude each other in the customer onboarding process? Josje Fiolet, Digital Onboarding lead at INNOPAY, says “no”. Security and convenience are often seen as diametrically opposed. However, with rapidly evolving technologies coming into play, this should no longer be the case. It’s time to realise that se...
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Technology has enabled innovation, but Financial Institutions (FIs) are not using its potential to improve their corporate client onboarding processes. This is contrary to what we see in the retail market, where the digital transformation is proceeding at full speed. Just two examples include Rabobank which has enabled digital onboarding ...
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Financial service providers are challenged by Bigtechs to build international scale for their innovative products. Cross-border introduction of innovative digital payment and loan products is a difficult game however, as local implementations of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) and other regulatory requirements differ markedly b...
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Banks are investing heavily in technology to stay ahead when it comes to interacting with customers. Opening an account is one of the first interactions a new customer will have with an organisation. And it is a true cliché that ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression’. So, you’d better do it right, right? Our Digital C...
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Are you upgrading your outdated onboarding processes to raise conversions and meet customer expectations in the digital age? Many organisations are. But too many are taking the easy route, and jumping straight into the open arms of solution providers promising quick-fix solutions. The smarter path is to put strategic development before so...
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Opportunities for existing and new market players to bridge the gaps The ever-increasing regulatory burden is giving financial institutions a hard time these days. As part of their digital transformation, they strive to deliver customer friendly onboarding experiences. But they are also faced with increasing compliance costs, amongst oth...
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