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3 reasons why banks need to understand the impact of the EU Digital Identity Wallet The 2022 edition of Euroforum’s annual conference on the future of payments was held in Amsterdam on 31 March. INNOPAY’s Vincent Jansen was one of the keynote speakers at the event. In his presentation called The ‘battle of the wallets’ reignited, he outli...
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In June 2021, the European Commission announced its plans for a framework for Digital Identity Wallets. Additionally, the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) – a new way of thinking about digital identity – has emerged in the market over the past few years. This raises the following question: To what extent is the EU Digital Identity...
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Publication |
What is digital identity? Why is the European Union working on a European Digital Identity Wallet? What are the associated opportunities and threats? Ad Verbrugge discusses these and other questions with leading experts in our talk show on ‘The Future of our Digital Identity'.   The topic of digital identity is more relevant than ever, a...
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There have so far been two major ‘phases’ of the internet, which are now retrospectively referred to as Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Opinions differ on the precise beginning and end of these two phases, so the periods are not clearly defined – and the burgeoning Web 3.0 phase is no different.  The first two phases of the internetAlthough there ar...
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