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Publication |
Het kabinet maakt zich zorgen om de toenemende macht van de grote techreuzen. Het wil de dominantie van deze partijen terugbrengen en bepleit een Europese aanpak. Willen we afhankelijkheid van de grote platforms echt voorkomen, dan zullen we niet alleen moeten nadenken over hun marktpositie, maar ook over hoe we de controle houden over on...
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Publication |
As the number of digital transactions is growing exponentially, companies who have relevant and frequent digital interactions with their customers compete to become future ecosystem orchestrators. This is also true for the banking sector, where customers are increasingly banking through their smartphone, making that the primary digit...
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Publication |
The first-ever networking event for INNOPAY associates was held on Tuesday 25 June at De Ceuvel in Amsterdam. The theme was INTERIM @ INNOPAY. The event was a great success and there will definitely be more to follow in the future. Networking events are an ideal way for INNOPAY to share its vision of the digital revolution with freelance...
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