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The latest edition of the INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor report is now available, containing a round-up of Open Banking API offerings and developer experience features available from financial institutions across the globe plus a selection of articles summarising the major trends over the past year. Benefit from these insights into the key ...
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Publication |
Open Finance is growing rapidly as financial institutions continuously launch new APIs and improved developer portals to extend third-party access to financial products, services and customer data. However, there is more to Open Finance than that. INNOPAY has developed a comprehensive model covering seven key dime...
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Publication |
Unlocking value precisely at the point of need. That is exactly what embedded finance (EmFi) is about. EmFi transforms decoupled customer journeys into seamlessly integrated experiences within non-financial, digital platforms that matter in the daily lives of consumers and businesses alike. EmFi covers a broad range of financial products ...
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Publication |
Embedding financial services enables financial institutions to deliver value at the point of need. Through seamless integration, financial services and products can be made available in a broader customer journey, typically facilitated on non-financial, digital platforms. Such platforms serve sizeable client segments (retail, SMEs, corpor...
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