Mark van Stiphout
Deputy head R&I DN ENER, the energy dept. of the European Commission
Developing policies
"I can contribute to a digitally more sustainable world by accelerating the use of digital technology to support the energy transition as part of my work in the European Commission. For me that means developing policy at European level to facilitate data-sharing and usher in a new energy market where innovative firms – both large and small – can provide new energy services and consumers can participate in the energy transition in new ways, thereby accelerating investments and sustainable energy and increasing efficiency."
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Besides being a founding partner of INNOPAY, Douwe Lycklama is also co-author of...
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Digitalisation in our food system has made agriculture more effective and food production cheaper in recent years. The availability of data is crucial, but that requires transparency and trust throughout the entire agrifood chain.
Precision farming is heavily dependent on the availability of data. Data from technologies such as GPS and ...
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The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated the digital transformation in many areas of society, and education is no exception. In the latest edition of the talk show on digital sustainability, Marjan Hammersma – Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science – discusses the opportunities and threats o...
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What is digital identity? Why is the European Union working on a European Digital Identity Wallet? What are the associated opportunities and threats? Ad Verbrugge discusses these and other questions with leading experts in our talk show on ‘The Future of our Digital Identity.
The topic of digital identity is more relevant than eve...
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What is artificial intelligence? What are the associated opportunities and threats? And how important is the sustainable use of data? In our talk show on ‘Opportunities and Threats of Artificial Intelligence’, Ad Verbrugge discusses these and other questions with leading experts.
The Dartmouth Conference in 1956 is widely regarded...
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Retail is one of the industries that has been most dramatically transformed by the digital revolution in terms of the rise of e-commerce. Over the past two decades, there has been spectacular growth in online shopping which has changed the face of the retail landscape. This shift has been further strengthened and accelerated by the lockdo...
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How can you contribute to a more sustainable digital world?
Guest speakers from our YouTube series on Digital Sustainability share their suggestio
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Für ein digitales, nachhaltiges Gesundheitswesen ist die Inklusion entscheidend. Jeder sollte in der Lage sein, seine eigene Krankenakte zu verwalten und die Kontrolle über seine Daten zu haben. Die Verfügbarkeit von Daten darf nicht zur Ausgrenzung führen. Dies sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Digitalisierung im niederlä...
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We are increasingly becoming the product of our information – from our social media profile to data about our health, wealth and spending. Big Techs in particular are using our data to develop ever-more targeted services. The next YouTube broadcast by De Nieuwe Wereld and INNOPAY on digital sustainability focuses on the social impact...
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Wir werden immer mehr zum Produkt unserer Informationen - von unserem Social-Med...
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Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten und das Europäische Parlament haben sich auf einen "COVID...
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Das derzeitige Finanzsystem wird sich im kommenden Jahrzehnt grundlegend verände...
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Für die Zukunft relevant zu bleiben, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen,...
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Die Digitalisierung bietet der Mobilitätsbranche eine hervorragende Chance, den ...
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Although they see new opportunities arising from the ongoing digitalisation of t...
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In this second edition of the INNOPAY/De Nieuwe Wereld broadcasts on digital sustainability, journalist and philosopher Ad Verbrugge hosts a roundtable discussion with three digital security experts: Lokke Moerel (professor of global ICT at Tilburg University and member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council), Pieter Cobelens (former di...
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Starting this November, INNOPAY is launching a monthly broadcast on ‘digital sustainability’ in conjunction with the online channel called ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ (DNW).
The broadcast fits well with INNOPAY’s mission to guide organisations worldwide to fully embrace the opportunities of the digital transactions era. “The aim of this series of...
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In this week’s edition of ‘Voor de Ommekeer TV’/‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ on YouTube, philosopher Ad Verbrugge interviewed Douwe Lycklama, founder of INNOPAY and co-author of the management book ‘Everything Transaction’. Douwe talked about the need for business and public leaders to exhibit sustainable digital socially responsible behaviour and ...
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In this week’s edition of ‘Voor de Ommekeer TV’/‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ on YouTube, philosopher Ad Verbrugge interviewed Shikko Nijland, CEO of INNOPAY and co-author of the management book ‘Everything Transaction’. Shikko talks about the current coronavirus crisis, the growing role of data and platforms, and his vision of the future.
‘Voor de...
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