Join us in Celebrating International Women’s Day

Empowering Women, Inspiring Change!

Mariane ter Veen | INNOPAY
Mariane ter Veen
Director l Lead Data Sharing

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
I have a background in artificial intelligence, so you could say making tech work for people always had my interest from the start.

What inspires you in your work?
I love contributing to bringing us closer to a world where trusted data sharing helps us to solve key societal challenges.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
Do it! We need you and I'll make sure we welcome you!

Moraysha Ramsahai - INNOPAY
Moraysha Ramsahai
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
My key driver for entering the digital world is because it is the future. As we saw with the internet, those who did not or could not adapt were left behind. Therefore, it’s really important to stay up to date with what’s happening around us as we never know which opportunities are just around the corner!

What inspires you in your work?
What inspires me is that my work is futuristic and centred around several knowledge topics - payments, open finance, digital identity and data sharing - which have proven to be continuously relevant for clients.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
You can never fully know what something is really like without gaining first-hand experience, so I would recommend that they give it a try so they can form their own opinion!

Yekaterina Travkina | INNOPAY
Yekaterina Travkina
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
The highly innovative digital world allows me to venture outside the predefined frameworks and push horizons, and I feel I can contribute to sustainable and equitable development.

What inspires you in your work?
It is exciting to shape the future of digitalisation, supporting the growth of new business models and ecosystems to foster collaboration. I am motivated by creating and sharing knowledge with others on a daily basis.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
Be brave and step forward – the digital world is full of opportunities and offers you the freedom to explore your creativity and mould solutions together with your team!

Innopay Denise Hoppenbrouwer
Denise Hoppenbrouwer
Senior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
I was keen to support organisations through the multi-dimensional and collaborative challenges that arise in an increasingly digital world.

What inspires you in your work?
I thrive on the challenge of staying ahead of what is happening now by focusing on tomorrow’s ambitions.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
Just do it! Pursuing a career in the digital world will drive equal opportunities, not only for you as an individual, but also for everyone who interacts with digital services (many of which have been designed by – and are therefore unconsciously biased towards – men).

Beau Schellekens | INNOPAY
Beau Schellekens
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
I was keen to help customers navigate the rapidly evolving technology landscape and create digital strategies that generate immediate and long-term value.

What inspires you in your work?
I love working together with ambitious people to actively contribute to a better understanding of the digital world.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
The digital world offers ever-changing opportunities to learn from new experiences and continuously push yourself to achieve high-level performance.

Merel Noort | INNOPAY
Merel Noort
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
I’ve always been drawn to the innovation that is embedded in the digital world. It creates many new opportunities and holds the potential to accelerate developments that help overcome societal problems by enabling collaboration beyond boundaries.

What inspires you in your work?
I am inspired by the challenge of discovering and navigating through the unknown together with the talented and ambitious people around me.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
The digital market is accelerating at a fast pace. Rather than trying to keep up with the present, focus on staying ahead of the future.

Frederiek van der Molen
Frederiek van der Molen
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
Today’s consumers are becoming more demanding. I like the challenge of supporting organisations in their digitalisation journey as they adapt to stay relevant.

What inspires you in your work?
I am particularly interested in the human perspective within the digitalising world.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
A career in the digital world covers a very broad spectrum of strategic issues, so there is a lot to explore and learn and it’s a very relevant sector.

Barbara Maj | INNOPAY
Barbara Maj
Junior Consultant

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
Working in the digital world allows me to not only observe the interaction between new technologies and society up close, but also take part in shaping the way we adopt new technologies in the future.

What inspires you in your work?
Above all, I am inspired by the driven and ambitious people that I get to work with and learn from daily.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
There’s plenty to explore and learn in the digital world, so be open to opportunities for self-development and gaining expertise in unexpected areas.

Martine Nau | INNOPAY
Martine Nau

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
Digitalisation is shaping our future on a daily basis, so I saw the digital world as a stable basis for a career. In particular, I was keen to be involved in ensuring future relevance for mature organisations like financial institutions.

What inspires you in your work?
On a daily basis, I am inspired by the amount of responsibility I get, the number of new things I learn and the helpfulness within INNOPAY. It’s amazing how fast you can become an expert when you are surrounded by the right support.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
Get out of your comfort zone and go for it! This is an interesting, challenging and diverse environment filled with many inspiring women and men.

Jelena Marčeta
Jelena Marčeta
Campus Recruiter

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
In the digital world, new ideas and creativity can gain enough momentum to make a positive social impact. Within a company that specialises in digital innovation, I can make the best use of opportunities, both for myself and for the world around me.

What inspires you in your work?
I am inspired by the freedom and opportunities to create value and do the work that’s important to me in my own way.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
The perspectives, experiences, skills and knowledge of women are a significant part of shaping the future of the digital world, in terms of the market, services, legislation, etc. Come and join the party!

Marloes Blankert | INNOPAY
Marloes Blankert

What was your key driver for entering the digital world?
I was attracted to the digital world by the opportunities to work on a wide variety of topics, develop my skills, and to contribute to, be challenged by and learn from so many experiences.

What inspires you in your work?
I am inspired by the ambition of the people and organisations I work with to contribute to tomorrow’s world.

What advice do you have for other women who are thinking of pursuing a career in the digital world?
Always keep in mind the talents, strengths and experiences you already have. In some way, they can be of value in contributing to the exciting topics and developments in the digital world.

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