Scheltema, Marktsteeg 1 Leiden, THE NETHERLANDS

Attend the live recording of the talk show 'High time for a new data-economy'

Despite legislation such as GDPR, people have lost the right to use and control their data, which is leading to growing resistance to data being collected and stored in central silos. At the same time, there is a paradigm shift from the centralised handling of data to a decentralised approach.

Together with the highly popular De Nieuwe Wereld YouTube channel, we will be recording a talk show called 'High time for a new data economy: from centralised to decentralised' on 5 October. Philosopher Ad Verbrugge will be discussing this topic with experts including Ruben Verborgh (professor of decentralised web technology), Mladen Sancanin (director of innovation, data services and research at PGGM), and Robert Reinder Nederhoed (blockchain entrepreneur).

The talk show will be recorded at Scheltema, Marktsteeg 1 in Leiden, the Netherlands.

This is your chance to be in the audience for the live recording session. Places are limited, however, so if you are interested in attending please let us know by email by latest 28 September:

Please note: The talk show will be held in Dutch.