Function: Vice President
Working at INNOPAY for me is about helping out customers to create new and better products and services.
Whether I'm bouncing of ideas with a colleague one on one, or working with stakeholder groups across Europe, I always feel the energy that comes from innovating together.
This energy, that I believe drives our company, is noticed by others and it attracts a very diverse group of professionals and starters, from different backgrounds that together keep adding to the mix from industry experts and a fresh outside view that will enable us to serve our customers best and grow our business.
I’m with INNOPAY since 2003 in startup days and since then a lot has changed, but still every day I walk into our office, seeing the people and feeling the energy just puts a smile on my face.
E-mail address: vincent.jansen@innopay.com
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European Commission votes in favour of adopting the eIDAS revisionOn Thursday, 29 February, the European Commission (EC) voted in favour of revising t...
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A wide variety of digital wallets have been introduced in recent years. They have varying degrees of functionality, ranging from making in-store payme...
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Financial institutions no longer have sole control over the data they hold about their customers. PSD2 has pushed them to open up their payment accoun...
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Onboarding new customers has kept financial institutions busy over the last few decades. Identification and authentication efforts have risen substant...
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One of the main challenges facing crypto is the lack of a clear regulatory framework, as echoed by respondents in our INNOPAY/The Paypers Crypto ...
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Now that digital products and services affect so many aspects of the real world, digital sustainability should be a key aspect of all corporate social...
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3 reasons why banks need to understand the impact of the EU Digital Identity Wallet The 2022 edition of Euroforum’s annual conference on the future of...
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In June 2021, the European Commission announced its plans for a framework for Digital Identity Wallets. Additionally, the concept of Self-Sovereign Id...
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There has been strong acceleration in the interest among central banks and governments in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in recent years. Thi...
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Near-Zero-Knowledge e-commerce could allow e-commerce businesses to structurally reduce their cybersecurity costs, minimise reputational damage caused...
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Interview |
"If we don't learn the lessons from the shortcomings of the EU's Digital COVID Certificate, the proposed European Digital Identity Wallet will fail to...
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Innovations are happening faster than ever in the world of payments and data, driven by a major trend towards providing consumers increasing control o...
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