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Digital identity is increasingly important as the EU prepares to launch its digital identity wallet. INNOPAY's Vincent Jansen breaks down the concept, why the European Commission is pursuing a unified wallet, who it's for, and how it will impact organisations in this video.
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The latest episode in our series of broadcasts on digital sustainability focuses on the topic of digital identity. What is it? Why is it important? And what will the current developments mean for you, your business and society in general in the near future? The topic of digital identity is more relevant than ever due to the EU’s ongoing ...
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The following article is an excerpt from the book Everything Transaction. Facebook caused quite a stir back in 2019 when it announced plans to launch a global cryptocurrency called Libra. But gradually everything went quiet and it now seems that the project has been scrapped completely. What went wrong?On 18 June 2019, Facebook along with...
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