Dutch government urged to intensify focus on secure eIDs for private sector

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The Dutch Cybersecurity Council (Cyber Security Raad) is calling for wider availability of secure eIDs to better protect citizens and companies in The Netherlands. The independent advisory body is therefore urging the Dutch government to intensify its efforts to create a flexible electronic identification (eID) infrastructure that has values like privacy, autonomy and self-determination at its core and serves both the public and private sectors. This will enable citizens and companies to complete online transactions securely and reduce their dependency on tech giants such as Google and Facebook. 

This move is in line with INNOPAY’s vision that soft infrastructures – based on agreements for identification, authentication, fine-grained authorisation, signing and encryption – are crucial in facilitating secure data sharing. A more flexible national eID infrastructure that enables users to leverage their official eID (as assigned by the Dutch government) or verified attributes in the private domain could reduce the costs of compliance (e.g. with KYC/AML) and reduce privacy/security-related risks for users, banks, insurers, retailers and many others. Furthermore, a solid, digital, public-private eID infrastructure can protect citizens and businesses in the digital age and facilitate economic growth in the next phase of Europe’s digital single market.

According to the Dutch Cybersecurity Council’s advice, it is up to the Dutch government, as the supplier of the ‘source identity’ of citizens and companies, to take a coordinating and facilitating role in creating such a public-private eID infrastructure. 

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