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On 28 May, iBestuur organised an online debate on data – the new fabric of society – to discuss the many facets that still need to be explored and the importance of data sovereignty. INNOPAY’s Mariane ter Veen, director data sharing, took part in the debate. Besides Mariane, the other participants were Indra Henneman, expert and advisor ...
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The European Data Strategy is built on a new approach to handling data. The EU hopes to play a leading role in the future of data security by making better decisions. INNOPAY’s Mariane ter Veen speaks in this edition of our Data Sharing Journal (#DSJ) with Yvo Volman, head of the ‘Data Policy and Innovation’ unit at the Directorate-G...
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Comparing the Dutch Veilig Tegen Corona coalition’s ten criteria against the EU Recommendation on a common toolbox for the use of technology and data to combat and exit from the COVID-19 crisis The development of contact-tracing applications (‘apps’) to combat COVID-19 is under close scrutiny. Veilig Tegen Corona (VTC), a coalition of co...
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Im Energiemarkt wird der Austausch von Daten zwischen einzelnen Marktteilnehmern immer relevanter. Redispatch 2.0 ist ein Beispiel dafür. Um einen sicheren und effizienten Austausch von Daten in einem komplexer werdenden Ökosystem zu gewährleisten, bietet sich eine dezentrale Infrastruktur für Datenaustausch an, die auf multilateralen Ver...
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For the seventh year in a row, INNOPAY has contributed to the ShoppingTomorrow research programme by hosting the expert group ‘The Smart Home Journey’ together with Worldline. This was also the third consecutive year that the expert group researched the topic of Smart Home as the next level of commerce. Market research supports the concl...
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