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Starting this November, INNOPAY is launching a monthly broadcast on ‘digital sustainability’ in conjunction with the online channel called ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ (DNW). The broadcast fits well with INNOPAY’s mission to guide organisations worldwide to fully embrace the opportunities of the digital transactions era. “The aim of this series of...
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In this week’s edition of ‘Voor de Ommekeer TV’/‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ on YouTube, philosopher Ad Verbrugge interviewed Douwe Lycklama, founder of INNOPAY and co-author of the management book ‘Everything Transaction’. Douwe talked about the need for business and public leaders to exhibit sustainable digital socially responsible behaviour and ...
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As part of our ongoing commitment to privacy and data protection, we have amended the INNOPAY Privacy Statement to make it even clearer that we value everyone’s privacy. The main reason for this change is to reflect the expansion of our service offering to include the INNOPAY Associates Community: a pool of carefully selected freelance pr...
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During the last EBA Day (12 June), the Euro Banking Association published their thought leadership paper “B2B data sharing: digital consent management as a driver of data opportunities”. This paper is a joint effort of INNOPAY and the EBA’s Open Banking Working Group. Below you will find the executive summary of the paper, you c...
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Jeden Tag teilen mehr als eine Milliarde aktive Nutzer ihre Gedanken, Fotos, Nachrichten, Videos, Memes und mehr mit Freunden und Verbindungen auf Facebook. Mit Daten aus Girokonten wissen Banker, was ihre Kunden essen, wo sie ihre Kleidung kaufen und was sie online treiben. In der Welt von heute und morgen werden (persönliche) Daten durc...
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