Your views on digital sustainability


Transactions – such as sending someone a message, buying something in a store, booking an airline ticket online or logging on to social media – can be likened to breathing. We do it all the time without even thinking, and most of the time without any problems.

Big Techs and platforms are shaping our digital environment. The benefits are clear: countless connections conveniently at our fingertips. Unfortunately, digital trust is basically non-existent. There seems to be an endless stream of scandals about data leaks, election-rigging, concerns about privacy and the inability of social platforms to handle enormous amounts of data without compromising people’s privacy.

The good news is that what we call ‘digital sustainability’ is receiving growing attention thanks to the increasing media and political awareness of the domination of the tech giants and their power over data.

Digital sustainability could be seen as the digital equivalent of corporate social responsibility (CSR). At INNOPAY, we believe that public-sector and private-sector leaders should urgently extend their CSR activities to include the digital realm. 

Over the past century, a coordinated system of controls has succeeded in reducing pollution in the physical world. We all want our children to inherit a healthy, clean and safe digital environment as well. That’s why it is now time to start working on controlling 'digital pollution'.

Since a clean digital environment is a shared responsibility, we would love to hear your thoughts on digital sustainability. Therefore, we encourage you to share your views in our short poll. All the responses will be anonymised and INNOPAY will publish the resulting insights on a regular basis so that we can all learn from one another.

We hope you will spare a few minutes of your time to contribute your valued opinions to this important topic. Many thanks in advance! Go to the poll.

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