• 197 Ergebnisse gefunden
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With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), transactions initiated by smart devices and platforms will increase exponentially over the next years. An appealing example is Smart Home, which connects customers digitally through smart devices and allows them to share data and transact from home 24/7. As r...
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Towards the first pan-European Open Banking based scheme Imagine you’re taking an Uber at the airport, get to your destination and while you’re getting out of the Prius … ping… you receive a push notification from your bank that says € 32,78 was debited from your payment account. The full Uber experience, but no cards or wallets needed.&...
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Jeden Tag teilen mehr als eine Milliarde aktive Nutzer ihre Gedanken, Fotos, Nachrichten, Videos, Memes und mehr mit Freunden und Verbindungen auf Facebook. Mit Daten aus Girokonten wissen Banker, was ihre Kunden essen, wo sie ihre Kleidung kaufen und was sie online treiben. In der Welt von heute und morgen werden (persönliche) Daten durc...
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For many years, PSPs have had relatively easy pickings, charging significant markups to online merchants for handling their payment traffic. A large variety of players entered the market. In Germany, ±60 PSPs are active, and in the Netherlands 120 players either hold a license or are specifically exempted from license duty to act as PSP. ...
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In INNOPAY's June 2015 blog, we introduced Virtual Bank Accounts as more than a reconciliation tool. We explained the difference between Virtual IBANs and Virtual Accounts, and showed how both could help SME- and corporate clients increase control over their cash- and transaction management. This blog sheds light on today’s Virtual B...
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Opportunities for existing and new market players to bridge the gaps The ever-increasing regulatory burden is giving financial institutions a hard time these days. As part of their digital transformation, they strive to deliver customer friendly onboarding experiences. But they are also faced with increasing compliance costs, amongst oth...
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Virtual Bank Accounts are hot. They offer corporates the same advantages as extensive physical bank account structures, while eliminating the costs of opening and managing accounts. And they can help corporates bring back their number of physical bank accounts, at least theoretically, to one, centralised account, thus taking away the need...
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