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Today we celebrate the first ‘birthday’ of the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). 14 September 2019 was the date that marked the go-live of key security requirements for third party access to payment accounts (XS2A). Since then, banks have been required to open up certain payment functionalities ...
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Die wachsende Bedeutung von Open Banking, digitaler Identität, consent management und Datenaustausch hat einen "Blue Ocean"-Markt für Banken geschaffen. Wir glauben, dass diese nun eine einzigartige Gelegenheit haben, ihre Bedeutung in der Datenwirtschaft zu stärken und wirksam zu sichern. Jedoch müssen sie jetzt damit beginnen, entscheid...
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Digitale Identitäten, Consent und Datenaustausch werden immer wichtiger – und damit zu einer Blue Ocean-Opportunity für Banken als „Data Custodians“ in der Datenökonomie. Dies erfordert jedoch entschlossenes Agieren seitens der Banken – einerseits, um das digitale Vertrauen ihrer Kunden in sie zu stärken und anderseits, um die notwendige,...
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Keep an eye out for our upcoming blog on the latest INNOPAY Open Banking Monitor. We reflect on the status quo of the Open Banking landscape, discuss the new ‘Masters of Openness’ and explore what it takes to build, maintain and grow your Open Banking community. The updated version of our Open Banking Monitor will cover: 1,500+ individu...
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On Thursday 28 May, we are organising a webinar on Mastering Open Banking. What are the latest developments? What are examples of best practices? And what can we learn from the experiences of banks themselves? In this webinar, Karl Illing (director & country lead, INNOPAY Germany) and Mounaim Cortet (senior manager at INNOPAY) will p...
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Legal drivers such as GDPR and PSD2 in Europe and CDR in Australia are enabling the customer with more ownership and control over its own data. As a result, the customer is increasingly empowered to more easily provide consent-based access to his/her data by a service provider of choice. This trend is accelerating across countries, indust...
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