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Die überarbeitete Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie der Europäischen Union (EU) (PSD2) wurde im Januar 2016 als Aktualisierung der PSD 1 (2007 verabschiedet) verabschiedet und führt zwei neue Lizensierungstypen ein: Zahlungsauslösedienste und Kontoinformationsdienste. Neue Akteure in der Finanzbranche und etablierte Unternehmen (z. B. Banken, E-G...
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Looking back on a much eventful year in Open Banking; various banks have updated their Developer Portal in the last quarter of 2018, either by expanding the Functional Scope, by offering more APIs, or by introducing tools and features improving the Developer Experience. Predominantly with the shared goal of attracting more end-customers, ...
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Towards the first pan-European Open Banking based scheme Imagine you’re taking an Uber at the airport, get to your destination and while you’re getting out of the Prius … ping… you receive a push notification from your bank that says € 32,78 was debited from your payment account. The full Uber experience, but no cards or wallets needed. 
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This article was published in collaboration with Deutsche Bank. Market disruption, client evolution and regulatory change mean that the banking and corporate world is preparing for an API and Open Banking revolution. Making a success of it will require both collaboration and standardisation.
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Jeden Tag teilen mehr als eine Milliarde aktive Nutzer ihre Gedanken, Fotos, Nachrichten, Videos, Memes und mehr mit Freunden und Verbindungen auf Facebook. Mit Daten aus Girokonten wissen Banker, was ihre Kunden essen, wo sie ihre Kleidung kaufen und was sie online treiben. In der Welt von heute und morgen werden (persönliche) Daten durc...
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We all know by now that “XS2A” - access to payment accounts by third party providers (TPPs) - is going to happen in some shape or form under PSD2, but there is still considerable uncertainty. The transposition of PSD2 into national law is being delayed in twenty member states[1] and while the Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Custo...
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