
IDSA Summit
International Data Spaces Association (DSA) is organising the IDSA Summit on 22 - 23 June 2021. The program is built around the IDSA motto: "Let's build data spaces!" INNOPAY's Pieter Schuurmans is among the speakers. During the Energy Stream on 22 June, he will speak about INNOPAY's expertise in the creation of trusted, decentralised data sharing ecosystems - or 'soft infrastructures' - for both the public and private sector, on a sector-specific or cross-sectoral level, nationally or internationally.
Attendees may expect a versatile mixture of presentations, discussions, interactive formats and digital networking opportunities. IDSA members and partners from across many domains, industries and countries will share their expertise and showcase the biggest assets and achievements – the Rule Book, the IDS certification, the open source strategy and the Adoption Accelerator.
For more details and registration go to the website of IDSA.