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To secure future relevance and growth, organisations are digitally transforming – an ongoing journey of applying technology and data to support value creation. As they make this transformation, business leaders find themselves juggling many competing demands. They need to simultaneously digitise their core business to increase efficiency ...
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Europe wants to lead the way in a data-driven world. This goal is supported by the European Data Strategy, which aims to create a single European data market – one in which data can be shared seamlessly within and between countries and industries. The strategy is centred on a completely new approach to data sharing – data sovereignty – wh...
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Die diesjährige Ausgabe der jährlichen Euroforum-Konferenz über die Zukunft des Zahlungsverkehrs ("Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer") - die am 9. September in der Amsterdamer Beurs van Berlage stattfand und nicht virtuell, sondern physisch abgehalten wurde - zog über 200 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an. Josje Fiolet von INNOPAY war unt...
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The 2021 edition of Euroforum’s annual conference on the future of payments (‘Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer’) – which took place in Amsterdam’s Beurs van Berlage on 9 September and was actually held as a physical event rather than a virtual one – attracted over 200 attendees. INNOPAY’s Josje Fiolet was among them, and she has written ...
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In den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten hat die Europäische Union ihren Rahmen zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung (AML/CFT) stetig verbessert. Die Maßnahmen der EU konzentrieren sich dabei auf die Prävention, Untersuchung und Verfolgung dieser schädlichen Praktiken. Im Juli 2021 legte die Europäische Kommission (EC) ei...
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Inclusion is crucial for a digitally sustainable healthcare sector. Everyone should be able to manage their own medical record and have control over their data. The availability of data may not lead to exclusion. Those are the key findings from a survey on digitalisation in the Dutch healthcare sector conducted by De Nieuwe Wereld and INN...
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