• 78 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Dutch e-commerce association Thuiswinkel.org has published a new book about the future challenges for retail in the Netherlands. The publication features contributions from more than 20 influential entrepreneurs, scientists and visionaries, including Douwe Lycklama, a founding partner of INNOPAY. The book, titled Shopping 2030, provides i...
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Retail is one of the industries that has been most dramatically transformed by the digital revolution in terms of the rise of e-commerce. Over the past two decades, there has been spectacular growth in online shopping which has changed the face of the retail landscape. This shift has been further strengthened and accelerated by the lockdo...
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Strategic partnerships are an emerging trend in today’s digital era. Organisations are increasingly seeking each other out in order to stay relevant and secure their future success. It can pay off to start small, because getting the best out of any collaborative initiative actually depends less on the size of the partnership and more on t...
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